DS 05 UC 01

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UC01 Provide GPS location data in standard format


  • WagonPosition, provided by WagonKeeper
  • H30 TrainPreAdvice, provided by RailData


  1. Get WagonPosition: get Wagon Position message
  • Receive WagonPosition
  • Store WagonPosition
  1. Get H30 message
  • Receive H30 message
  • Store ResonsibleRU, timeslice and WagonList
  • relate TrainRoute to Country+
  1. Detect ResponsibleRU: retrieve ResponsibleRU based on timeslice and GEO polygons
  • relate GEO position to Country+
  • relate planned time table with GEO position timestamp
  • get the CarrierList from the H30 message
  1. Aggregate wagons
  • Find more wagons from the wagonlist
  • apply plausibility check


  • Responsible RU for the wagon


  • MD:Country+
  • MD:RU_Code
  • WagonPosition
  • TrainRoute
  • WagonList


  • TrainPreAdvice Input from H30@RD
  • WagonPosition Input from RUs