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Revision as of 15:11, 28 July 2021 by Sfr (talk | contribs) (Summary)
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The GAP Session was held on 6.July 14:30 to 16:30 with four participants

  • Pascal Truniger BLS Cargo AG
  • Martin Schmidt SBB Cargo International AG
  • Markus Bürkl WHE
  • Wolfgang Schüttler CN Consult

The SOLution Session is planned for end of August


Train Planning phase

The raised topics can be grouped into the RFF services:

  • Train Service Harmonization
    • Trassenbestellung (national, international)
    • Koordinierte Trassenbestellung mit EVU-Partnern über ISB hinweg (BE-NL-DE-CH-IT), abhängig vom Produktionskonzept (HFF, AFB)
    • Automatisierter Import von Routenabschnitten von EVU-Partnern (Harmonisierung an den Grenzen)
    • Internationale Train ID
    • Genormte Zeitangaben, analog Flugverkehr
    • Kontakte aller am Prozess Beteiligten (Vorgänger / Nachfolger) pro Zug
    • Terminal Slot
  • Infrastructure masterdata
    • CAP01 GEO: locations and segments
    • Restrictions (CAPA XX)
    • Standardisierte Infrastrukturinformationen: Locations und Segmente
    • Überblick Infrastrukturrestriktionen (national+international): Baumassnahemn und Einschränkungen
    • Abstellgleise Kapazität

RFF DS DE1g Planning.png

Train Preparation phase

In the Preparation phase the raised topics are grouped to:

  • Train Handover
    • Ladungsinformationen inkl. Status (KV)
    • Vollständige Zugsvormeldungen / Einheitliche Formate / digital /  Durchgängig von Kunden, EVU-Partner / Gefahrengüter
    • Wagen- und Reihungsdaten  vollständig
    • Empfang von Vorlaufinformationen / Abgabe an Nachfolger
    • Digitale Wagenliste / Bremszettel
    • Rangierzeiten (Wagenstatusmeldungen)
    • Austausch Abstellinformationen
    • Einheitliche Austauschformate
    • Fertigmeldung im Hafen, Terminal
    • "Papiere" für Lokführer vollständig
  • Wagon masterdata
    • AVV-Meldungen / Schadmeldungen / Wagenhistorie (RailWatch)
    • Wagenstammdaten (vollständig und aktuell)
    • Zugriff auf Sensorinformationen

RFF DS DE1g Preparation.png

Train Operation phase

The operational topics relate to the RFF services:

  • Train Service Harmonization
    • Tagesaktueller Fahrplan für Leitstellen
    • Tagesaktueller Fahrplan für Lokführer
    • Tagesaktuelle Zugübersicht für Leitstelle
    • Einheitliche Definition von Zügen / Zugteilen / Wagengruppen
  • Train Handover
    • Übernahmeinformationen
    • Digitaler Austausch der Begleitdokumente inkl. ADR/GGVE
    • Tatsächlicher Abstellort
  • Train Running Information
    • Prognosen vom IM und EVU
    • Detaillierte Verspätungsinformationen des ISB, EVU-Partners
    • Durchgehende TRI (vom Kranen bis zum Entkranen)
    • Portal für Stakeholder zur Überwachung des Transports auf der gesamten Route von HLR bis MAD (spezifische Ansichten)
    • Aktuelle Zugposition
    • Geschätzte Ankunftszeit
    • ETA an Destination und an Übergabepunkten
  • Infrastructure masterdata
    • Infrastruktureinschränkungen (La)

RFF DS DE1g Operation.png

Organisational Issues

In the round the need for

  • an easy technical access and
  • a light user model

are prerequisites to participate in the digital data exchange.

RFF DS DE1g Organisation.png


To summerize the above mentioned topics they concern the following services:

RFF DS DE1g Services.png

Infrastructure masterdata

  • Reliable and uptodate information about nodes and segments (CAP01 GEO)
  • Infrastructure restrictions: Network segment and node restrictions caused my planned/unplanned maintenance and incidents.
  • Local information about nodes capacities and facilities

Wagon masterdata

  • GCU messages concenring WagonDamage and WagonRepairHistory (RailWatch)
  • Complete and uptodate technical wagon masterdata
  • Access to sensor information on the wagon

Train Service planning

  • Common understanding about train and its "components" (train, trainpart, wagongroup)
  • Common train service planning (technical characteristics and timetable)
  • Open information about train service plannning status
  • International Train ID
  • Standardized time information as in air traffic
  • Contact information about all involved parties
  • Planned terminal slot
  • Aligned path request with RU partners across Infrstructure network borders (BE-NL-DE-CH-IT) depending on the role (contract holder, carrier)
  • International and national Path request
  • Automated import of neighbouring path segments for a common train service (Harmonisation at handover and interchange points)
  • Operational timetable for operation centers
  • Operational timetable for loco driver
  • Accurate operational train information

Train Service HandOver

  • Goods information including status (Combined Traffic)
  • Complete, ontime train preadvice messages
    • digital, standard format,
    • throughgoing from customer and RU partner,
    • dangerous goods
  • Provisionig of omplete wagonlist
    • digital
  • Reception of status and forecast messages from previous partner
  • Delivery of status and forecast messages to next partner in row
  • Provisioning of Brakesheet
    • digital
  • Wagon status messages about shunting, delivery, provisioning
  • Provisioning of parked units, wagons
    • planned
    • operational (real location)
  • Provisioning of TrainReady messages from Port and Terminal operators
  • Complete informationset for loco driver
  • Handover information
  • Digital exchange of train accompaning documentents incl ADR/GGVE

Train Service Monitoring

Train Running Information

  • Accurate train forecast messages provided by IM
  • Detailed delay information from IM and RU partner
  • Throughgoing train running information (from slot to slot)
  • Centralized portal for interested parties to monitor the transport along the whole route from HLR to MAD (with specific perspectives)
  • Accurate train location
  • Estimated time of arrival at
    • HandOver points
    • Interchange points and
    • Destination

Technical and organisational issues

In the round the need for

  • an easy technical access and
  • a suitable (light) user model

are prerequisites to participate in the digital data exchange.