Domain Wagon Performance

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Revision as of 23:47, 28 January 2021 by Sfr (talk | contribs) (Data Quality)
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under construction


The Wagon performance domain encompasses the communication flows between the sending RU and the receiving WagonKeeper. The RU is obliged to deliver the wagon performance in those transports he his responsible for. At the arrival of the last station, final destination or delivered to the customer the RU sends the Wagon Performance to the WagonKeeper follwing the workflow described below. If he is not in the position to calculate the distances for those wagons he can profit from the special service of Mileage Calculation. This service will calculate in the name of the RU the necessary wagon performance data sets based on the sent in Wagon Status messages. If the receiving WagonKeeper would like to fill the remaining gaps in the Wagon Performance he can opt for the special service of Filling Gaps. This service will estimate for each remaining gap a replacement to complete the Wagon Performance "chain".


Wagon Performance message routing.png


Ther exists two messages that carries Wagon Performance information. The official TAF/P sector message: Wagon Performance Message (WPM). And the amendment to the Wagon Status Message (WSM). The first one is widely used in the sector for Wagon Performance data sets. The second is used to communicate the Wagon Performance data set to RailData.


Data Quality

The data quality is planned to be measured in three spots.

  1. RailData ISR service entry and exit
  2. GCU Broker service entry
  3. Individual WagonKeeper WPM reception service

The first two mesurement spots base their checks on the defined WPM KPIs. The third one is defined by the specific WagonKeeper needs and is reported back via the GCU Broker to the sending RU.
