Low Entry Barrier for Transport Offerings

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Revision as of 13:31, 6 July 2021 by Sfr (talk | contribs) (Evaluation)
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Seamless check for feasibility and costs (Cleaning, Wagon master, Cargo quay restrictions, Wagon availability, Load carrier…) . All requirements, costs, needed data made available digitally and could be reachable via API for partners. What is the restrictions and in the end an indication for the price.

Use Case

  1. International customer to get price offer for rail transport as fast (or faster) than price offer for competition transport (e.g. truck)
  2. Reduced effort for sales rep when providing price offers


Basic Services


Planned Steps


  • Frank Kschonsak on 25 June

more information needed to contribute on this one but all Services related to commercial issues (-> customer) are very relevant.