Discovery Session

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Based on the structure to learn about the type A & B RUs (≈"small RU's") situation and their needs we start the DiscoverySessions with A&B RUs.

  • GAP: in first serie of four sessions we identify with the participants the GAP from their perspective.
  • Capability: then we focus in the second series of three sessions about discussing potential solutions and amendments to existing services to overcome the identified gaps.

GAP Discovery

In the organized sessions we work out the (IT and process) surrounding in which those RUs operate. The actual planning foresees to have four discovery sessions for identifying the gaps in April.

Discovery Structure

The content discussed in those sessions encompasses the topics a smaller RU is faced with:

Discovery Content

Please help us and publish these sesssions internally in your company to attract many interested parties. The target group are type "A" and "B" RU (see below). The preparation consists of three steps:

  • Send a mail to RFF ARCH group
  • Read the RFF introduciton slides and the entry questions in the questionnaire to acquaint yourself to the topics
  • Register at MIRO to access the board used in the sessions

The material is available on Basic Material for Discovery Sessions

Solution Discovery


Each interested RU can book a seat in one of the four sessions. The amount of seats are limited to four to ensure that each participant has enough time to place his individual concerns, wishes and needs.

GAP Discovery Session 1

GAP Discovery Session 2

GAP Discovery Session 3

GAP Discovery Session 4

SOL Discovery Session 1

SOL Discovery Session 2

SOL Discovery Session 3


The invitations are prepared and ready to be sent out.