Difference between revisions of "MediaWiki Environment"

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(Standard color names)
Line 74: Line 74:
  <nowiki><span style="color:#FFFFFF; font-weight:bold"></nowiki>
  <nowiki><span style="color:#FFFFFF; font-weight:bold"></nowiki>
==== Standard color names ====
{| class="wikitable" border="0"
{| class="wikitable" border="0"

Revision as of 10:24, 15 February 2021

This page is aimed for editors of the RFF Wiki. It contains important links to the WikiMedia Syntax

Further information can be found at the MediaWiki page: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki


Internal Linking

enter the following statement in your text

[[chapter name]]

If the article already exists, a link is added in blue color. if the article does not exist, a link is added in red color. If you click on the link the editor to create a new article appears. Edit the new article and save. If you want to show an alternative text for the article link

[[page name|alternative title]]

Internal Link to chapter in article

Use the following syntax

[[article name#chapter name]]
[[article name#chapter name|alternative text]]

External Link

Pure URL: just write the URL e.g. www.wikipedia.org

If you want to add an alternative text use the following syntax:

[URL alternative text] e.g. [www.tsga.eu TSGA]

For further details see https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilfe:Links


Addition sections (headings) to a page by using the following syntax

== heading 1 ==
=== heading 2 ===
==== heading 3 ====

Table of content is added automatically when more than 3 headings/sections

Text formatting

''text'' = kursiv
'''text''' = fett
'''''text''''' = fett + kursiv
---- = horizontal line
* = Bulletpoint List
** = Subbullet
*** = Subsubbullet
# = Numbered List
## = sublist
### = subsublist

text coloring

Set text color by using

<span style="color:#009999"> 

Set background color by using

<span style="background:#00FF00">

Set both by using

<span style="color:#FFFFFF; background:#FF69B4">

Combine with other text attributes (e.g. bold)

<span style="color:#FFFFFF; font-weight:bold">

Color Hexadecimal Color Hexadecimal
black #000000 silver #c0c0c0
gray #808080 white #ffffff
maroon #800000 red #ff0000
purple #800080 fuchsia #ff00ff
green #008000 lime #00ff00
olive #808000 yellow #ffff00
navy #000080 blue #0000ff
teal #008080 aqua #00ffff

Include code statements

use <nowiki> at the beginning and and </nowiki> at the end of the code statement


see [MediaWiki Tables] for details about formatting tables in MediaWiki

Include Images

First upload the image as .jpg or .png file by using the menu entry Upload file on the right

Adding the image to a page

[[file:filename.png]] – add image
[[file:filename.png|title]] – add image with title in a small popup remark
[[file:filename.png|border]] – add image with a small grey border
[[file:filename.png|frame]] – add image with a frame including the title at the bottom left of the frame
[[file:filename.png|center]] – image centered, right = image aligned right, standard alignment is left
[[file:filename.png|link=pageName]] – image with interal link to wiki page
[[file:filename.pnglink=http://xxxx]] – image with external link
[[file:filename.png|link=]] – image without link

for this Wiki the following rendering is used:


Upload the image in a larger resolution than 800px. Wiki will render it back to 800px for better presentation.

see also [[1]]

Add an Infobox

The infobox is located on the top right of a page. It is a regular table with specific style attributes. Only one infobox can be displayed per page.

{| style="float:right;border:1px solid black;background-color:#EDEDED;width: 50%"
| this is the title of the infobox
| -
| this is the text of the infobox

Changing the Sidebar

Edit the sidebar on this page: [[2]] You have to be logged in as a user with administrator rights.

see MediaWiki Syntax for Side Bar

Adding new user to MediaWiki

use the php script createAndPromote.php to add a new user, change the password or add a user to a user group

Syntax see MediaWiki createAndPromote.php

run the script on the server in the directory ../../var/www/html/mediawiki_tsga/maintenance